About Us

The Palestinian Electricity Transmission Company (PETL) is the first national governmental company to supervise the construction and operation of a national transmission system for electric power, as it represents the only entity authorized to purchase electric power and to transfer it to the Palestinian market. In its session held on October 1, 2013, the Palestinian Council of Ministers approved the decision to register the National Electricity Transmission Company as a public government company, in implementation of Article (18) of the General Electricity Law of 2009.

The establishment of (PETL) company comes in line with the national strategic plan for the energy sector (2011-2013), which is one of its most important responsibilities to meet the growing needs through various sources, in order to ensure the achievement of diversification in the provision of electric energy, and to regulate the technical and financial relationship between the sources of local electric energy. And importing and distribution companies. PETL is expected to contribute to improving electricity market conditions, reducing technical losses in the electrical system, and obtaining competitive purchase prices.

strategic goals:

  • Adopting the sole buyer and partner model in regulating the Palestinian electricity sector.
  • Raising the level of electricity services provided to distribution companies.
  • Achieving diversification in the supply of electricity through concluding energy purchase agreements with local electricity generation sources and interconnection agreements with neighboring countries.


The current substations of the Palestinian's Electricity Transmission Ltd.

Qalandia Substation (between Jerusalem & Ramallah)
Qalandia Substation (between Jerusalem & Ramallah)
Sarra Substation (Nablus)
Sarra Substation (Nablus)
Al-jalama Substation (Jenin)
Al-jalama Substation (Jenin)
Beit Oula Substation (Hebron)
Beit Oula Substation (Hebron)
Latest News

News and updates


The Board of Directors of the Palestinian Electricity Transmission Company discusses administrative and financial issues and mechanisms for developing services

Ramallah | The Board of Directors of the Palestinian Electricity Transmission Company met in its session No. (07/Sh.N) for the current year, opening the session with a speech by the Chairman of the Board of Directors, Dr. Imad Brik, reviewing the most prominent financial and administrative decisions, financing plans and partnerships with relevant authorities, and following up on previous decisions at the last Board of Directors meeting.


The Palestinian Electricity “charges a section” on the western line and warns of the danger of approaching

الخليل | عملت الطواقم الفنية للشركة الفلسطينية لنقل الكهرباء، اليوم الأربعاء، على شحن مقطع من مغذيات الخط الغربي في الخليل، بالتعاون مع شركة كهرباء الجنوب كشركة منفذة، من محطة تحويل بيت اولا.

The Palestinian Electricity Transmission Company raises the state of alert and readiness for the depression


The Palestinian Electricity Transmission Company raises the state of alert and readiness for the depression

نظرا للحالة الجوية السائدة، والمنخفض الجوي،والحديث عن تراكم للثلوج بحسب الأرصاد الجوية، سنبقى معكم على أهبة الاستعداد في حال حدوث أي طارئ، آخذين جميع الإجراءات الإحترازية للحفاظ على تزويد الكهرباء للموزعين، وملبين طلبات المشتركين في كل المناطق.

A donor delegation briefed on the implementation of the Surra electricity linkage point and the needs of Tulkarm Governorate


A donor delegation briefed on the implementation of the Surra electricity linkage point and the needs of Tulkarm Governorate

اطلع وفد من المانحين الدوليين لقطاع الطاقة على الجهود التي تبذلها سلطة الطاقة وطواقم الشركة الفلسطينية لنقل الكهرباء لتنفيذ نقطة ربط كهرباء صرة- طولكرم، وآلية تذليل العقبات لإيجاد حلول لاحتياجات الكهرباء بمحافظة طولكرم، بحضور كل من رئيس سلطة الطاقة م. ظافر ملحم ومحافظ طولكرم عصام أبو بكر ومدير الشركة م. نشأت أبو بكر، ومجموعة من رؤساء بلديات المحافظة، والمؤسسات ذات العلاقة.


construction of feed lines
construction of feed lines

Today, Wednesday, the technical staff of the Palestinian Electricity Transmission Company worked to charge a section of the western line feeders in Hebron, in cooperation with the Southern Electricity Company as the executing company, from the Beit Ula substation.